Friday, August 28, 2009

Visitor Information

Although this program is incredibly intense and I barely have any free time I would be glad to welcome some visitors! It would be best if you could visit on the weekend so we can spend more time together. Also, I don't have a meal plan for the weekend, so we can make food together! Oh yeah, you are welcome to attend class with me. Please just be aware that if you visit during the week I must study in the morning. So here is the dealio...
  • I can have up to two guests staying in my room at any given time.
  • Each guest can stay for a maximum of 7 days a month and 14days in a year. 
  • There is a cost of $5 per guest per night. 
  • If you desire to stay longer than the allotted time or would like to bring more people you can rent a room.
  • The cost is 1person-$35/night 2person-$60/night 3person-$75/night. 
  • I can only have females in my dorm. There are a couple guys in the program, if you are male you might be able to stay with them.

Everyone: if you intend to visit please contact me before doing so. This way I can make the proper arrangements.

I think that is pretty much it. If you have any questions please let me know! I would be most happy to answer. I miss my friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this info! I hope I can visit you sometime :)
